I sorta have the attention span of a fruit fly, so it is really nice for me to make lists! I love to check things off my to-do lists, and sometimes I even add things to my lists I've already done for the simple pleasure of getting to check them off! Amiright?!?
The most important list I create every day is my classroom schedule. Here's what it looked like on the first day of school:
Next to each Schedule Card (which I have attached magnets to the back of - makes it so easy to move around quickly and cleanly!), I write the target for the day's lesson in kid-friendly language. For example, "I can use an area model to solve multi-digit division problems." Sometimes, I will even write targets for recess ("I can show good sportsmanship as I play today." "I can take turns politely.") or lunch ("I will use good manners in the cafeteria." "I will respond to the attention signal."). I try to read the targets aloud with students as often as possible. Many come in and look at the schedule first thing every morning!
I have created a variety of different Schedule Cards designs that are for sale in my TPT store. Each set includes 45 different pre-labeled cards (3 per page), multiple background choices, and one EDITABLE page. BOOM! Check 'em out by clicking on the images below!

Hooray for ORGANIZATION! Aaaannnd... cute things! :)
:) Jenny
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