Sunday, May 31, 2015

Get It DONE!!!

Holy guacamole, the kids at my school only have 7 days of school left!?? 7 DAYS!!! Oh my goodness! Teachers have 2 more days after that to get stuff done, but the end of the year is a time when so many ideas are swimming in my head, I have got to have a list to keep organized. There's stuff I want to make sure happens before the kids leave (a small gift, an award, a slideshow, etc.), and stuff I am required to make happen before I get to leave for the summer (report cards, PDU documentation, check out duties, etc.).

This year, I decided to make a "End-of-the-Year To-Do List" to help me get it done! I have also made it a FREEBIE at my TPT store! Check it out by clicking on the link below.

The list contains 4 categories: Classroom, Organization, Paperwork, Etc.

I have also included a blank sheet with the same categories for you to write in your own to-do list! 

I hope this helps you wrap up your school year so you can RELAX this summer!

:) Jenny