Monday, March 21, 2016

Tips for Targets

School is not a place for students to just complete one activity after another. Purpose is essential!! Students need to know what the goal is - where they are headed. Learning Targets to the rescue!

This is a picture of one example of the Learning Targets I write on a daily basis for my 5th grade class. My Schedule Cards are magnetic, and I just write the target next to the subject! Easy, eye-catching, and extremely purposeful!

Here are some TIPS for TARGETS! 

1. Make it manageable. (short-term vs. long-term targets)
I have "Big Targets" (or "Essential Questions" or "Unit Goals") for my major units in all subject areas. I might create a cover page for students' notebooks with these questions on them, or post them around the room. But I also think it is important to break down those BIG ideas into smaller targets that feel more manageable (both to teach and to learn!). EXAMPLE: Big Target - I can identify and explain the causes of the American Revolution. Whoa! That is a lot of content smushed into one sentence. Let's pump the brakes and break it down into a small, short-term target like this: I can explain what happened at the Boston Massacre and how it further shaped the feelings of the colonists toward England. This target still may take me a couple of days, but it is much more specific and manageable, both to teach and to learn. We have a winner!

2. Make it measurable.
Think about the verbs you use. "I can understand what makes a polygon." How can you measure the verb "understand"? How will you and your students know if/when the target has been met? "Understand" is vague. A better target is simply: "I can name at least 3 characteristics of a polygon." This can be easily measured through a quick formative assessment, and it lets your students know exactly what you expect.

3. Balance academic language and kid-friendly language. 
Break apart the language in the target with your students. This is great for teaching academic language that may show up on higher-level thinking tasks or standardized tests. I LOVE to use Melissa O'Bryan's "Common Core Critical Verbs" set to help me use academic language in my targets. I laminated and attached magnets to the backs of these word cards, A wonderful teaching moment! For example, if the target is "I will analyze a text to determine the point of view," this would be a great moment to address the verbs "analyze" and "determine."

4. Be consistent (post them EVERY DAY!)
Writing my targets on the board is one of the most important five minutes of the day. It helps me focus for the day, and it helps students know what's coming. Sometimes I will write them on the board the day before, but I usually do it in the morning before the kids arrive. It's just part of my routine!

5. Ensure that students read them.
I will often have the students read the target for a lesson aloud with me at the beginning of the lesson. Sometimes I will break it apart into a call-and-response type deal ("I can..." "I can..." "create a timeline..." "create a timeline..."). When students know that you update your targets on a daily basis, they will begin to look at them as they enter and complete their Morning Routine. Make them colorful. Make them fun. Post them in a prominent place in your room, which will remind both you and your students to refer to them. 

6. Reflect upon each target.
At the end of your lesson, make sure the target is addressed. This could be through an informal reflection (thumbs up/down), formative assessment (Exit Ticket), partner conversation, class discussion, etc. We want students constantly thinking about their own thinking and learning, so they take more ownership and initiative. Plus, reflections are invaluable for you as the teacher!

7. Think about including Targets for Non-Academic Things, like Character Traits, Friendship Skills, and Behaviors
Think about creating targets for places/times when you are not there (recess, lunch, specials)
Recess is a great time to encourage targets related to character traits ("I can invite someone who is alone to play with me."), Lunch is a great time to encourage targets related to manners ("I can say 'please' and 'thank you'."), and Specials are a great time to encourage targets related to behavior ("I can follow directions the first time."). I have a variety of "Scholar Targets" and "Friendship Targets" in my TPT store!

Here's another example of my Target Schedule:

Our class mascot, Ned the Neuron, presides over our schedule and targets. :)
What tips do you have when it comes to writing Targets?
Happy Teaching!!
:) Jenny

Sunday, March 13, 2016

St. Patrick's Day DIVISION!

St. Patrick's Day is coming right up, and I love to integrate the holidays into my teaching whenever I can! But my time is precious in my classroom, so any integration needs to be valuable and rigorous. So I created this St. Patrick's Day Division Packet for this very reason!

This pack contains: 

♥ Student Packet Cover (4 options - 2 in color, 2 printer-friendly)
♥ Basic Division Facts Review Page
♥ 6 pages of Long Division with Remainders with boxes to “Estimate,” “Solve,” and “Check with Multiplication.” The “Solve” box is printed on graph paper to help students line up numbers. (Color and Printer-friendly options)
♥ 2 pages of St. Patrick’s Day-Themed Division Word Problems (Color and Printer-friendly options)
♥ Decimal Division Practice (Color and Printer-friendly options)
♥ 4 pages of Division Partnership Slips/Matching Cards (Pass slips out to students, and they find a partner based on the match for their card. These slips can also be used to play a matching game independently or with a partner.)
♥ 32 Basic Division Task Cards with Missing Divisors (Includes Recording Sheet)
♥ Answer Keys

Please check it out by clicking on the picture or here!

Happy St. Paddy's Day!

:) Jenny

Friday, January 1, 2016

Currently January 2016

Happy New Year Blogger Buddies! After a day full of naps and ramen, it's time to sit down and link up with Farley for Currently 2016!

Listening - Two of the coolest things I've watched lately are Fargo (Season 2), and Quentin Tarantino's new movie, The Hateful Eight (which my husband said, rightly, that is just like a really, really violent game of Clue). Both have them have got me hooked on some new (to me) music, particularly Bobby Womack's version of "California Dreamin,'" and "Apple Blossom" by The White Stripes. Oh, yeah, and the Beatles are finally on Spotify. It's good times for good musics!!

Loving - One of my favorite local artists, Jahna Vashti, paints the cutest whimsical animals playing instruments in a variety of settings and seasons. My husband got me two more of her fabulous giclee prints, and they just make me so happy! She also donated a couple of fairy-tale-like prints for my classroom, which is pretty rad.

Thinking - So I finished reading Teach Like a Pirate not long ago, as well as Ron Clark's The End of Molasses Classes. I am totally PUMPED to bring in some more excitement into my classroom during 2016. I bought tons of clearance-priced white tablecloths at Target so I can transform my classroom into a Winter Wonderland over the next couple of weeks, and also a ton of hats for me to wear as I lead our students on a tour around the United States (based on Beth Newingham's ideas - have you seen them? She's pretty great.) I will be a train conductor, airplane pilot, boat pilot, and cowgirl. I also had to buy a chef hat, but I'm not sure how I'm gonna use that one yet...

Wanting - I always want new boots. 'Nuff said.

Needing - I've gone into my classroom a couple of times over Winter Break, because I am totally organizing my files. I've left a bit of a mess, but am purging tons of old stuff, so that feels good. I need to go in once more before the kids come back...

One Little Word - Adventure! Sometimes I feel I get so into the routines of life that I forget how much I love adventures. Winter goal: Snowboarding. I haven't been in years, and whilst it took me a full hour to get down the mountain that first time years ago (due to so much wiping out), I really want to try again! Here's to some great adventures in 2016. :)
