I am jumping on the Sunday Scoop linky train! Thanks for the idea, Teaching Trio!!! Here goes:
*Cupcakes: My fifth grade team has decided to purchase mini-cupcakes and candles for our kiddos, and we will have a special "Wish" ceremony tomorrow. We want kids to think about their biggest wishes for this fifth grade year, and blow out their candles one at a time, while sharing their wishes with the class. Can't wait to see how this turns out!
*Laundry. 'Nuff said.
*Lesson plan for tomorrow: I am starting the year with lots of pre-assessing, community-building, routine-practicing, and art! I am also trying to integrate a lot of lessons around the brain and growth mindset. Please check out Angela Watson's TPT unit on Growth Mindset here... it's FANTASTIC!
*Level Library: We are trying, as a school, to level each of our classroom libraries this year. We also have a leveled library room (separate from our official school library) that kids will be able to use. We are using Fountas and Pinnell's leveling system, and color-coding according to IRLA. The goal is to help students find quality books to read independently, but also not to pigeon-hole them, because it can be good to read other levels for a variety of reasons and at different times, too. :)
*Update One TPT Product: I am in the process of updating some design elements and, in some cases, adding some pages to products in my TPT store. It feels really good to find my voice and my style in my work. :)
*I got a knock on my front door tonight from a neighbor I've never seen nor met. She said her cat got out of the house, and she thought it ran into my backyard. She wanted permission to check it out. Of course, I said, "Yes, just watch out for all the dog poop!" We are SO bad at picking up Napoleon's poop... Here's a pic of our little 11 year-old pooper (he's a Blazer fan!):
PS, The cat was found safely hiding under our deck. :)
Happy week!!!
:) Jenny