This year, I have decided to go with a Hollywood theme in my classroom! It will be my first year having a "theme" - I usually just decorate with mostly blues and greens. My husband actually works in the film industry, so I learn a bit about it through him, which inspired me to dip a toe into the themed-classroom pool!
I don't officially go back until August 31st (and kids don't start until the day after Labor Day!), so I have just barely started decorating my classroom so far. I like to have my classroom pretty much all set up before I have to officially be "back," which leaves me time to meet and prep with my team. My mom was up and helped me with my first project: the back to school bulletin board outside my classroom door!
I always like to set something up that I can put the kids names and/or pictures on. Last year, I went with a Wizard of Oz board. I ended up writing the kids' names on the yellow bricks, and it was so cute!
This year, I found some super cute clapboard and filmstrip cut-outs at the Dollar State, and my mom cut out a billion little yellow circles to help me with some marquee letters (thanks mama!). Combined with one of Creative Teaching Press's adorable new chalkboard boarders.... ta da!!!
I think I'll put a photo of the kids and their names on the cut-outs, and "Directed by Mrs. Rynearson" on the award in the middle!!!
Here's a close-up of the sign... it took quite awhile, but I like!!!
Now I need to keep coming up with cute movie sayings for my room... Craft Services for the sign above the cafeteria menu? Spotlight on... something??? VIP awards for outstanding achievements? "Celebrity of the Week" for community-building? It will be fun to keep coming up with ideas!
I've been having fun creating TONS of Hollywood-themed products in my store. Check them out by clicking on the products below!!!
Do any of you have a classroom theme this year?
:) Jenny