Oh, helloooooo again school! (And this blog, which I have neglected for a bit - Whoops!)
Every year, I create a bulletin board right outside my classroom door with the kids' names on it. Last year, I did hot air balloons, but this year I wanted a brand-new idea! Even when things would be new for the kids, I am the type who likes to change things up to keep ME interested and invigorated!
I turned to my studly husband for advice, and he suggested I do something based on his favorite movie, "The Wizard of Oz!" (I'm glad he didn't suggest his other favorite movie... "The Shining"....that would have been interesting... a little too interesting for me!).
So next I turned to my other favorite place for ideas... Pinterest! I found a few cool ideas, and combined them into.........THIS!
I ended up writing the first names of the kids on the yellow bricks! I went back and forth on what the title should be, and while "If I Only Had a Brain" (he he) was a close second (okay, not really!), I went with "There's No Place Like Fifth Grade." Aaannnnd.... I love it!
What do you like to do for "Welcome" bullletin boards?
Here's to a super year!